Welcome to the OTIDE Training Site

An internal environment for OTIDE staff to practice using the new theme, the Gutenberg editor, and learn web page best practices.



The Web Team is currently working on this site to make sure the information is clear and relevant to OTIDE Editors. Some links/buttons and information may be incomplete or inaccurate. Please be patient with us as we update the site. If you have any questions, reach out to Lucy Fonseca, Shamaria Borden, or submit a case.

What’s the fuss about anyway?

The OTIDE Web Team is working to migrate all sites to Theme 3 which offers more features and customizations, is built with accessibility in mind, and offers a clean, modern design approach. We created this site just for you, the editor, and to show a glimpse of what’s to come. Check out more Theme 3.

StratCom released Theme 3 in November 2023. This is the first theme that was built with WordPress’s Gutenberg block editor. What does that even mean, you ask? Familiarize yourself with the Gutenberg editor. Most of OTIDE’s sites use the classic method of WordPress, a more straightforward but restrictive way to build sites. Gutenberg changes that by using a “building block” approach.


Software used for OTIDE websites

WordPress is a versatile and widely acclaimed content management system. UA has adopted this system to tailor our websites to our unique needs.


An all-in-one solution

Siteimprove identifies and rectifies issues related to content quality, accessibility, SEO, and compliance. It also provides invaluable insights to drive data-informed decision-making.


Inclusive digital experiences.

By adhering to web accessibility standards, accessible websites break down barriers and create a more equitable online environment.

Components of a Successful Webpage

Achieve sustained success

Beyond aesthetics, ensuring the quality of our pages safeguards against technical glitches, security vulnerabilities, and accessibility issues, fostering trust and loyalty among users.